Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired

What it is?

How was it broken?

Why do you remember it? And how do you feel about it?


Introduction: 1


In theĀ contemporary epoch, theĀ central focusĀ of the business houses is on providing products loaded with features. Due to this reason, there is a decline in the quality.

What it is?

Last month while working I damaged my laptop. Although it was not my fault, I had to pay for its repair.

How was it broken?

Due to theĀ Corona Pandemic, our nation was in aĀ state of lockdown. And I did not have any other option but toĀ work from home.

At home, we have the comfort of doing our office and study work on the bed. As I do theĀ bulk of my workĀ on my laptop. I started using it on my bed. And one day, my brother had sat on my laptop lying on the bed, and he broke it.

Why do you remember it? And how do you feel about it?

As the administration had closed the shops due to lockdown, getting the laptop repaired was aĀ daunting taskĀ for me. I had decided to look for a vendor working from home.

After making numerous calls and running fromĀ pillar to post, I had managed to find a laptop repairing expert. Luckily he was staying close to my residence.

After toiling hard for three hours, he repaired it. I had to shell out 5,000 Rs from my pocket for its repair.

After getting the laptop back in working condition, I had aĀ sigh of relief. Although it works fine, the marks of the damage are still visible. Due to this reason, I still remember it.

I have decided to replace the outer body of the laptop so that it doesnā€™t look damaged.Ā 


Introduction: 2

Being a planned person, I take utmost care of my belongings. However, many times due to negligence I have broken things at home.

Recently I had such occasion when I broke a thing ofĀ immenseĀ value,

What it is?

It is my television.

How was it broken?

Last year due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. During those days, spending leisure time was a daunting task.

To enjoy my favourite shows in my bedroom, I decided to shift the Tv from the drawing-room to the bedroom. Since there was no one at home, I decided to do it myself.

While transfer it had slipped from my hands and fell on the floor. When had I picked it up, I realized that the front part was ok, but there was damage on the backside.

I tried to repair it myself by watching numerous videos on Youtube, but I got confused. Finally, I called one mechanic, he relaced the affected part with a new one. Finally, I installed the tv with the help of one of my friends, and it started working fine.

Why do you remember it? And how do you feel about it?

I remember it because spending life without watching Tv is anĀ uphill taskĀ for me. Moreover, I had a fear, whether it would be repaired or not.

The whole experience is fresh in my memories. After that day, whenever I have to shift expensive items from one place to another, I take the help of others.



Introduction 3


In the contemporary epoch, the central focus of the manufacturers is on designing products loaded with numerous features. However, the quality is going for a toss.

Due to this reason, many home appliances stop working within a short time. Recently one of my kitchen equipment stopped working.

What it is?

It was my microwave oven.Ā 

How was it broken?

The microwave was just one year old. However, its usage was too much. Every day I used to cook my meals on it. One day, while reheating rice, I forgot to collect the spoon from the bowl. Due to this, the magnetron inside the oven had broken down, and the machine stopped working.

Why do you remember it?Ā 

I vividly remember it because, during that time, my city was in a state of lockdown due to the corona pandemic. I found it extremely difficult to repair it because most repairpersons had closed their shops.

As IĀ thrive primarilyĀ on my microwave for cooking, getting it repaired was the need of the hour for me. To do so, I ordered a magnetron from the Amazon website. Luckily I received it in two days. After that, I watched videos on Youtube to understand the replacement process.

After putting in earnest efforts, for one hour, I repaired it, and it started working with a bang.

And how do you feel about it?

I felt relieved because spending life with a microwave oven is a daunting task for most people. Moreover, I am proud of myself because I found a smart solution for the problem.


Finally, I realized that, in theĀ contemporary epoch, we can solve ourĀ conflictsĀ adroitlyĀ by using technology.


Describe something In your home that was broken and then repaired with  follow up questions - YouTube



Introduction: 4


Being a planned person, I always strive hard to take care of things in my possession. However, despite our best attempts, they do break.

Recently I had to do tremendous hard work to repair a thing inside my house.

What it is?

It is the double bed in my bedroom.

How was it broken?

The bed is about 50 years old. Due to regular use, the foundation weakened, and one day when we five friends sat on that, one of the pillars broke down.

Why do you remember it?Ā 

I remember it because we all friends fell and there were guffaws of laughter in my home. Fortunately, that moment got recorded on one of my friendā€™s cameras, and whenever I watch it, I feel like laughing.

And how do you feel about it?

Initially, I did not take it seriously and thought that I would buy a new bed, however, due to the corona pandemic, most of the furniture shops were not operational. So I had to leave the idea of buying a new one.

After that, I decided to go for the repair of the bed. I was under the impression that repairing it would be an easy task. However, to my dismay, the carpenter quoted me a high amount. In his opinion, replacing all the pillars was necessary to give the bed a new life.

As I found it challenging to have a comfortable sleep in the absence of bed, I decided to go for its repair. The carpenter took four hours to repair it. The bed was back in shape.



Introduction: 5

With the rapid growth in the number of technological appliances we use every day, there are a lot of instances when something fails and we have to get it repaired.

What it is?
Today, I would like to talk about a vase, which got damaged recently and I got it repaired.

How it was broken?
Actually, everything went suddenly. As I was watching a movie on television and on the next movement the doorbell rang. In hurry, I picked up the keys which were near the vase. Unintentionally, I hit that; it fell down and broke. I felt really bad at that time and was scared to tell my family about it. So I decided to consult my brother and he assisted me to fix the vase

How you got it repaired?
Firstly, we removed any crumbling parts from the areas to be bonded because to fix a vase these areas must be clean and dry. After that, we Placed a drizzle of glue on the broken part. Then, we Assembled the broken parts of the vase. Finally, I took a deep breath after fixing the vase.

And how you felt about it?
Initially, I felt awful because that vase was gifted by my grandmother on my birthday but after repairing it seriously I felt extremely happy and I was over the moon.

Then, I understood if we go the extra mile then we can definitely tackle a hurdle with great determination.


Introduction: 6


  • Nowadays, I normally buy a newer model rather than getting old things repaired.

What it is?

  • However, recently our washing machine broke down and as it was under warranty, we decided to get it repaired.
  • The machine just stopped working.
  • When we switched it, the lights didnā€™t come on.
  • At first, we thought that there might be a problem with the socket.
  • However, when we plugged another electronic device into the socket it worked.
  • Thatā€™s when we knew the machine was broken for sure.

How it was broken?

  • I am not sure of the reason but I think it was voltage fluctuation.
  • It rained pretty heavily and due to the rain, there was a voltage fluctuation in our area.
  • The fluctuation probably caused burned one of the electronic circuits in the machine.

How you got it repaired?

  • We had purchased the machine just a few months before that incident, so it was under warranty.
  • We called the company and they scheduled a technician visit to our house.
  • The repairman told us that the main circuit was burnt, but he was also not sure what caused that.
  • He said that the part was made to order, so ordered the part and told us that when he receives the part, he will come again and replace it.
  • I thought it would be quick but it took a whole week.
  • Due to corona, there were shipment delays.
  • Electronic equipments do break down.
  • So, it wasnā€™t a big deal.
  • But the time we had to wait to get it repaired was much more than we had anticipated.
  • The repairman had warned us that it might take some time, but even he didnā€™t think it would take a whole week.
  • The laundry just piled up and we just waited.

And how you felt about it?

  • However, one good thing that happened was that I took out some clothes that I hadnā€™t worn in a long time.
  • My favourite clothes were sitting in the laundry and I had no option.
  • Two days after the repairman came and fixed it, we got an apology email from the company.


  • We all really appreciated that. I donā€™t think the company was at fault and yet they apologised.Ā 



Introduction: 7


It is normal for things to break down while doing work, sometimes we replace or repair it.Ā 

There is a mixer at our home, Last week it broke down.Ā 

When I was making milkshake for myself, just after one rotation, it suddenly stopped working.Ā 

First I thought that electricity has been gone. But I was wrong.Ā 

There was a smell like electrical burning,Ā 

It did not take me long to understand thatĀ it’s motor is burnt.Ā 

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I needed to repair it because it was a necessary appliance of our kitchen.Ā 

I purchased it from the local market.Ā 

The mixer was of Phillip company.Ā 

Then, I check its warranty card, fortunately, it was in warranty.Ā 

I went to Phillips service centre and asked to repair it.Ā Ā 

They checked it and told me that motor brushes are worn out and we have toĀ  replace its internal motor parts.Ā 

They asked me to fill the form and wait for two days.Ā 

Two days later I went to the service center, they fixed my mixer and they also told me not to use it for too long at a time.Ā 

Use it intermittently (ą¤°ą„ą¤• ą¤°ą„ą¤• ą¤•ą¤°).Ā 

I brought it home and used it according to their guidelines.Ā 

Now it is working fine like new one.Ā 

My mom got very happy because she was facing difficulty in preparing gravy for vegetables.Ā 

And now I am also enjoying my favourite shakes.Ā 

So this was the item which was broken down in my home and I repaired.


Introduction: 8


We live in a modern and fashionable era. In our life we used many things which look very stylish and breakable such as glass material, showpieces etc. here I would like to talk about ā€œMicrowave ovenā€. Last month on my motherā€™s birthday, we arranged a get-together at home for our near and dear ones. I planned to bake a special cake for my mother So that I worked on it. Firstly, I helped my mother with cleaning and dusting. While doing cleaning accidentally ā€œMicrowave ovenā€ fell down and the main plate of the oven which is made of glass broken. I felt very sad at that moment because without glass plate it is not possible to do baking in the oven. On that time, my all planning which I made for my motherā€™s happiness also suffered. My heart was beating fast, and I do not understand what to do now. Then I tried another ovenā€™s glass plate, but it makes my day bad to worse. While using another glass plate, oven electrical wire got short-circuited. Everything was going wrong then with strong heart I told all things to my mother. She said to me be relaxed and calmed. After that, we ordered a cake and celebrate my motherā€™s birthday. Next day, I went to an electrician shop to repair my oven. Fortunately, it was in warranty till so store manager replace my oven with a new one, but he charges some amount for a glass plate. On the end, I learned a lesson electronically thing needs extra care and safety also.

Follow up Questions


1. Are IT-related jobs valued more by society?

In theĀ contemporary epoch, people have realized the significance of information and technology. They are aware of the fact that in the past two years, this industry has brought aĀ paradigm shiftĀ in the lives of people.

Moreover, most businesses are going digital nowadays. A large percentage of tasksĀ thrive primarilyĀ on IT technology. Due to these reasons, IT-related jobs are valued more by society.



2. Is the quality of products worse than before?

In recent years, the central focus of the manufacturers remains on two things. Firstly, their attention is onĀ strengthening their bottom line. Due to this, they are paying less heed to the quality of products they produce.

Moreover, there is no denying thisĀ convictionĀ that customers focus more on features than quality. That is why the products come loaded with features but have inferior quality. Because many manufacturers have realized that customers of theĀ contemporary epochĀ run after features. And companiesĀ leave no stone unturnedĀ to produce products that come loaded withĀ innumerable features. Moreover, instead of focusing on quality companies put attention on introducing new features in the existing products or new product range.



3. What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?

Due to do it yourself websites and videos the percentage of people who like to repair things by themselves is inclining at a considerable rate. Mainly those people who love to play with screwdrivers and nuts usually prefer to repair at home instead of hiring mechanicā€™s services. Such people take inputs from others and do the repair. Moreover, in the contemporary epoch, a plethora of websites are available on the internet which focuses on do it yourself. For every problem related to products, there is aĀ boatload ofĀ videos available on the internet.



4. Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialised stores?

The people like to get their mobile phones repaired in authorized stores, due to two reasons. Firstly, they have this fear in mind that the warranty would be void.

Another notable reason is trust. People have thisĀ implicitĀ faithĀ that specialised stores have genuine parts and experience repair persons. And due to this reason, they visit such stores.



5. Is repairing expensive in your nation?

In my nation repairing is an unorganised sector. Due to these reasons, the rates are not fixed and the charges depend on the repair person. And, many servicemen charge hefty prices for their services.



6. Is repairing always the best option?

Repairing is a good option in those cases where the repaired product could run for a sufficient period of time post repair. However, in those cases where the product has become obsolete or the repair cost is equal to the price of the new product, it is notĀ worthwhileĀ to go for repair.



Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired

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