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Europe and Russia

Europe is a culturally diverse continent that encompasses a wide range of nations, languages, and histories. It’s known for its rich cultural heritage, including contributions to art, music, and philosophy, with iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum, and the Acropolis. Europe’s modern history is marked by major conflicts, including World Wars I and II, as well as the Cold War division between Eastern and Western Europe. The European Union, established after World War II, has promoted unity and cooperation among many European nations. Russia, while geographically spanning both Europe and Asia, is historically and culturally linked to Europe, especially through its Western regions. Russia is known for its vast size, diverse landscapes, and a powerful influence on global politics. Its history is marked by the Russian Empire, the Soviet era, and its role in the modern geopolitical landscape, notably in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Europe and Russia Related Information Europe and Russia Related Information 

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