Describe a time when you shared something with others (an other person)

What did you share?

With whom did you share?

Why you shared it?

Explain how you felt about sharing it?



Introduction: 1


I belong to a country and a family where sharing things with someone, is very normal

and a part of almost everyone’s life. Most people of my country live in small houses

and sharing of rooms and many other things is common for them. Something that I

have shared often with someone is my room.

I have shared my room with my sibling (you may say brother or sister) in my entire

childhood. His/her name is ABC. (name can We had two rooms in our home and one

room was for me and my brother/sister. All of us did not have a separate room for

ourselves and we were fine with this arrangement. In fact it was fun to share the

room, the study table, the toys, the bicycle and many other things.

I felt that I was lucky that I had the company of my brother/sister to share my room.

It is a feeling of more the merrier. We both have lots of shared experiences and have

had lots of serious and funny conversations with each other. Sometimes I have also

felt jealous and lack of privacy but was just a momentary emotion.

Right now my bother/sister is in a different city and so I am the only one using my

room. I really miss him/her at times. Times have changed but the childhood days

were wonderful. People are gradually becoming very individualistic and they like to

use things alone.



Introduction: 2

Well, sharing is the way to make feel others that you care for them and it really helps in strengthening the bonding between two people.

What you shared? and Who you shared with?
Here I would like to talk about my experience sharing my room with my younger brother.

Why you shared it?
I still remember I was in 8th when I got my personal room and I was so happy about it as now I could have my own personal space. I always used to keep it spick and span. But after few months, my parents said that I have to share my room with my little brother.

And explain how you felt about sharing it?
I was quite disappointed to hear as I didn’t want to compromise my privacy. But my mother made me understand the importance of sharing and convinced me to do the same. It took me few days to adjust with my brother but soon we started to enjoy each other’s company.

Together we used to watch TV, listening music, play board games and study till late. I must say by sharing room we realized we have so much in common. In fact, in little time we became so much comfortable with each other that we could share even personal belongings.

Although, we sometimes used to have conflicts regarding cleanliness as unlike me he is not much concerned about it. However, with my influence, he too become a tidy person. Before sleeping we used to read books together and share our feeling and our secrets that we could share with our parents due to the fear and this thing really improved our relationship to the next level.

I am grateful to my mom who taught me the lesson and significance of sharing and now I don’t hesitate to share things with others.


Introduction: 3

  • We all need to share many things in our day to day life.
  • I also share many things with my siblings and friends.

What you shared? and Who you shared with?

  • Here I would like to talk about something I shared with my friend, Rohan.
  • I shared my books and notes with him.
  • It so happened that just 15 days before our +2 final exam, Rohan lost his whole school bag.
  • All his books and notes were in that bag.
  • He kept it in the school ground as he wanted to play cricket for some time.

Why you shared it?

  • After the game, he could not find his bag anywhere.
  • He looked everywhere and asked everyone who was there, but no one knew anything about it.
  • Someone had obviously stolen it.
  • Actually, he used to always stand first in class and his notes were very precious.
  • He was literally on the verge of tears.
  • I told him not to panic and offered to share all my notes and books with him till the exams.
  • Fortunately, he lives in my neighbourhood.
  • So, sharing all these books and notes with him was easy.
  • Most of my notes were copied from his notebooks only.

And explain how you felt about sharing it?

  • I realised that sharing things with others gives happiness.
  • Sharing my notes with Rohan, strengthened our bonds of friendship.
  • It helped me also.
  • Because I had to share my books, I studied them within my time.
  • Normally, I have a habit of procrastination.
  • I always study for my exams at the 11th hour.


  • But this time, I studied in time and was well prepared.
  • We both passed with flying colours.


Introduction: 4


As per my opinion, sharing is a prudent way to make our near and dear ones feel that we care for them and there is no denying this conviction that it helps in fostering the bonding between individuals.

What you shared? and Who you shared with?

Recently I shared my laptop with one of my friends for his online classes.

Why you shared it?

Since my childhood, I have had this tendency to help others. And if my friends need my help, I leave no stone unturned to help them.

As my nation is in a state of lockdown due to the ongoing corona pandemic, most of the schools and colleges are providing online classes.

Last month one of my friends named Gordon Redfearn was facing a problem with his laptop. Due to lockdown, he could not go out for laptop repair.

Since his exams were close, he was in a state of depression. Because in the absence of a laptop, he was not taking his classes.

When I came to know about this, I immediately shared my laptop with him for the first half of the day during his classes.

Every morning he used to pick it from my place, and in the afternoon, he would return it.

Due to this arrangement, he had taken all the classes and passed the exam with flying colours.

The other reason for helping him was that Gordon is my all-weather friend who always helps me in all circumstances, whether good or bad.

And explain how you felt about sharing it?

I felt good because, with my support, my friend led his life towards an impressive growth trajectory.

Introduction 5


There is no denying this conviction that sharing is caring. Being an altruist person, I have this habit of going beyond the conventional domain while helping others.

What you shared? ,and Who you shared with?

Recently I shared my car with my friend Andrew because he needed it urgently.

Why you shared it?

Andrew is not only my friend but also my neighbour. He always supports me during tough times. So this time, it was my turn to reciprocate.

After passing graduation, he was trying to find a job but did not get much success. Recently he got a job with a multinational company as a business development manager. The salary package was also good with a condition, and that was Andrew needed his car for office work.

Although Andrew didn’t have a car, he bought it from his savings. He joined the new job and started raking in big bucks.

Everything was going smooth, but one day a change in the law by the higher authorities had put Andrew’s job in jeopardy.

Since my city has a lot of pollution, the local government passed a new law by the name of Odd-even rationing under which the car with an even number would ply on even dates, and those with odd numbers would run on odd dates. According to the law, Andrew could use his car for a max of 15 days in a month because his car’s number was even.

This development put Andrew into depression because he was fearful of losing his job. Being the bosom friend of Andrew, I decided to help him. Since my car was of an odd number, I decided to share my car with him on odd dates.

Initially, Andrew was not ready for it, but later on, he agreed.

And explain how you felt about sharing it?

I felt jubilant because I managed to save the job of my buddy.


Introduction: 6


We all have a lot of things that we share with others at a certain point in time. Sharing is a very good habit that shows emotion and cares for others. It not only helps people but also creates a bond between individuals.
I remember one such incident when I shared my meal with another girl who forgot to bring her meal on that day. I saw her sitting idle during the lunch hour and inquired about taking the meal. She smiled and told me that she forgot to bring her lunch. Therefore, I shared my meal.
Usually, the lunch break in the university begins at 12.45 pm. But most of the time our classes end by 12.30 pm. On that day I had to attend a class at 2.30 pm. So, I brought the meal to have during lunch. In fact, the class was supposed to be held in the morning but the teacher – on the previous day, informed the class that he will take the class in the afternoon as he is unable to manage time in the morning for some other academic business. Accordingly, we all were prepared for the class. But she forgot about the class and made the mistake.   
I know Simran from the very first day and she is  now a close mate to me. So, I know about her struggling conditions. She left her home for some unavoidable reasons and with her ambition, she wants to grow. This is really a matter of pride and everyone cannot do so. it requires strong determination. I know that she might have forgotten to bring the lunch and if I do not share mine with her, I think she could not manage time before supper to take her meal. I felt a sense of relief by helping her. It was really a great mental satisfaction for me.



  • Introduction 7


We often share things with our loved ones. Whenever, they are in need or require any kind of help, it is pretty sure that one will step forward to help.

Today, I would describe a time when I shared something with other.

  • Who you shared with? And what you shared?

There are many things, which I shared with my friends like, notebooks, pen, food and colours. However, the thing which I shared recently, with one of my friends is an outfit.

Let me tell you what actually happened, like every morning, my friend arrived from her home to the college, on her personal vehicle which is a Honda Activa. Moreover, from her location, it takes around 40 minutes to reach the institution. Also, she would pick me every day from my home and we would go to the college together.

That day, I was waiting for her to come. Suddenly, it started raining heavily. After some time, my friend reached my home and she was wet due to rain.

I did not give any second thought and just told my friend to take any of my outfit and wear it. Additionally, I offered her a cup of coffee so that she does not get ill.



Introduction: 8


Well, the old saying “ Sharing is caring” holds very true even today in our lives.
It shows our love, care and affection for each other and helps to develop and maintain strong bonds and relationships.
It is a great way to express our emotions and feelings to one another.
I, too, enjoy sharing things with people who need them and aim to help them in whatever way I can.
On the same note, about a couple of years ago, I used to stay in a hostel in Bangalore.
I had rented a single share room for myself as I wanted a bit of privacy and silence during my study and work hours.
However, one day I came to know that the adjoining room was dripping through its ceiling and it was really not possible for anyone to stay in that room.
My warden requested me if I could share my room for a few days with the other girl and I happily agreed.
She was a new entrant to the hostel and was very unfamiliar with situations like these.
Moreover, she was very sweet and shy at the same time but I broke the ice by initiating a conversation with her to get to know her better.
Slowly, she felt comfortable and started to open up about herself.
She shared that she got scared as to where she would go or shift to at this hour.
I told her that I was aware of the situation and hence, decided to help her.
Plus, I believe that if you are in a better position and have something that the other person needs then you should always show humility and share it with him or her.
Similarly, I felt the need to help her in whichever way I could.
In the end, it felt really nice to have a sweet conversation with her as I got to know how good and bubbly she is.
We talked for hours. Also, it felt great to have someone to have dinner with.
This small gesture of sharing actually earned me a great friend for life, so much so that we decided to stay together in one room.
So, this incident actually earned me a friend and confidant for life.




Follow up Questions



  1. Do you like to share things with others? Why?

Yes, I like to share. Sharing is caring. Since childhood I have been taught to

share things with others especially with my siblings and friends. Sharing gives

me joy and satisfaction and so I like it.



  1. What are the things that you would never share with others?

I would never share those things which have been gifted to me by my dear

ones. I value those gifts and do not know how others would use them. I

would also avoid sharing personal items like soap, clothes and napkins in

order to maintain the hygiene.



  1. How can children be taught how to share?

Parents should insist that children share things with other. Sometimes single

children do not learn how to share and so they suffer later in their

relationships. Praising and appreciating children when they share will also

encourage them to share things.



  1. What are the advantages of sharing?

The biggest advantage of sharing is that each one gets more and also variety.

People feel happiness and gratification when they share things with other.

Intimacy and love also increases.



  1. What is your opinion about people who do not share with others?

I think such people are selfish and indifferent. They do not think of others

and they do not realize that we are all interdependent and interconnected

with each other. In my opinion such people are lonely from inside.



Describe a time when you shared something with others an other person Describe a time when you shared something with others an other person Describe a time when you shared something with others an other person Describe a time when you shared something with others an other person Describe a time when you shared something with others an other person Describe a time when you shared something with others an other person 

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