Describe a creative person whose work you admire

Who is he/she?

How do you know him/her?

What creative things he/she has done?

Explain why you think he/she is creative




One creative person whom I admire is chef Ranveer Brar. He is an Indian celebrity

chef and is also a television and digital celebrity. He is an author of a book, he owns

restaurants in India and abroad and has curated menus for many other restaurants.

Ranveer Brar was also one of the judges of the show MasterChef India.

I know about him because he is a popular celebrity on TV and YouTube. I follow his

YouTube channel regularly because I love to eat and he loves to cook. Chef Ranveer

has done a lot of creative things. He is a magical cook and can create mouthwatering

dishes in his own style. He makes the cooking experience simple and interesting.

When I watch his shows it makes me happy and enjoy my time in the kitchen. His

passion for food has driven him to every nook and corner of the world and create

his own unique masterpiece in every dish that he makes. He is not only an expert in

making different food items but is also zealous and experimental in his preparations.

He is knowledgeable, innovative and inventive in his styles. I have seen many of his

shows where he has created his own dishes with fusions and combinations. He uses

traditional as well as international ingredients to make delicious and nutritious food.

I think he is really creative because he has the skill to make something excellent

from simple and local ingredients.



Introduction: 2

Well, not everyone is blessed with creativity, but I know few people who have extremely creative and innovative minds. 

Who he/she is? and How do you know him/her? 
Here I am going to talk about my science teacher Mr. Singh whom I believe to be the most creative person I have ever come across. 

I feel lucky to be his student during my school days. Science is one of the most difficult subjects, and a vast majority faces difficulty understanding the subject, but our science teacher is truly a genius who always had novel ideas to teach the students. 

What creative things he/she has done? and Explain why you think he or she is creative? 
He used to emphasize/accentuate more on practical learning than theoretical, and for this, he frequently took us to science laboratories for practical learning. 

In addition, there are some topics related to physics that are highly impractical to comprehend by reading books only and to clear such concepts he used to teach us with the help of technology.

For example, by playing videos and showing 3D images. In fact, it was also a fun way to learn for students, and we never felt bored in his classroom. 

Last but not least, he also used to request school management to organize some excursions to keep the fun element in education. 

He was such a genius and brainy person that he always had innovative ideas to bring improvements to the school. 

I had a wonderful experience of learning at school, especially the science subject, and the credit goes to the science teacher Mr. Singh. 

2021) Describe a creative person whose work you admire – IELTS Speaking  Part 2



  • It is an acceptable truth that God blesses everyone with some creative talent, but few people who do much hard work can exhibit their creativity in front of others. 
  • I also have a talent for art and craft. I use old material and convert it into new one. 
  • Today I would like to talk about my very talented neighbour.

Who he/she is? and How do you know him/her?

  • She lives next to my home.
  • Her name is Sunita she is doing cloth stitching work at home. 
  • She learnt the basic terms of this skill from her mother. 
  • She did not attend any classes for it. In fact, she learnt new things about stitching from the internet.

What creative things he/she has done? 

  • As I said earlier, she did not take any training, but still, she can beat the best designers. 
  • She can stitch any design cloth by seeing the picture or as the customer explained. 
  • All young people of my society always design their dresses from her at lower prices. 
  • She also took part in many competitions and won many prizes. 

And explain why you think he or she is creative? and Conclusion:

  • I think the prominent reason behind the creative talent of her patience and hard work. 
  • Her stitching is so neat that customers do not complete about her work. 
  • She can use easily one dress material into another one, such as an old saree into a beautiful gown and convert long dresses into shorts. 
  • She always fulfils their customer’s demands. 
  • That’s why I always admire her creativity. 



  • I think every person has some creative ability in him or her.
  • Some people show creativity in the kitchen, some in their kitchen gardens, some people show their creativity in decorating their house, some people are creative in the drawings or paintings they do, and some show creativity in the way they dress up.

Who he/she is? and How do you know him/her?

  • Here I would like to talk about a creative person who is my best friend Saloni’s mother.
  • Her name is Ramanpreet, and she is in her early fifties.
  • She’s always making something out of waste, things that we throw away.
  • Whenever I go to her house, she’s always making something or the other.

What creative things he/she has done?

  • Saloni tells me that she never sits idle.
  • She always has a project in her hands.
  • She has made many things out of waste paper.
  • I’ve seen beautiful decoration pieces made of 3-D origami, which her mother has made, and they look spectacular.
  • I go to my friend’s house very often, and every time I see something new.
  • The last time I went, she was making tote bags out of old clothes.
  • The tote bag she was making looked superb and was very sturdy
  • Her mother told me once that making tote bags out of old clothes is, in fact, upcycling old clothes and not recycling old clothes because the tote bags are used almost every day.
  • She has gifted many tote bags to her relatives and friends, and everyone uses them every single day.
  • Now that single-use plastics have been banned, everyone should get a tote bag while going to the market.
  • I have also learnt many things from Saloni’s mother.
  • I used to admire Saloni for her creativity, but I realise that all the creativity has come from her mother.

And explain why you think he or she is creative? and Conclusion:

  • I think Saloni’s mother is very creative because she can put just anything at home to use.
  • She has made flowerpots from old used bottles and oil cans.
  • Her whole house is decorated with beautiful things, and none of these has been bought from the market.
  • All these things are the result of her mother’s creativity.


Introduction: 5

Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. I know many persons who are creative and doing well in various fields. Here I would like to talk about one of my friends, whose name is Pawan Verma. He is a multi-talented artist. He can make different kinds of painting such as pencil sketches, portraits, colored & charcoal paintings and even clay sculptures. He has made many famous artists paintings such as Barack Obama, Leon Messi, Ms dhoni and many more. He is quite famous on social media apps for his work. The way he portrays the picture on the drawing board really surprised me.             Important lines His Highly detailed and beautifully rendered pencil drawings bring all his characters to life on paper He also runs a YouTube channel where he uploads tutorials of drawings. On Last Independence Day, he designed a 5 feet sculpture of Bhagat Singh which was installed on the bus stand of our city. The entire city praised him for his extraordinary work and rewarded him. I often talk to him about his upcoming artistic work. He promised me to make my pencil portrait on my next birthday. I’m eagerly waiting for it. So he is the person whose work admire me




  • God blesses every individual with some creative talent.
  • Few people exhibit their creativity in their kitchens, some in the playground.
  • The creative talent of a person does not remain hidden for a long time.
  • Even if creative people shy from exhibiting their talent, other people come to know about them.

Who he/she is? and How do you know him/her?

  • Here I would like to discuss a creative person who has carved out a niche for herself. She is the mother of my bosom friend Andrew.
  • Martina is her name. Although she is 50 years old, she looks as if she is in her late thirties. 
  • Her expertise is in creating worthwhile things from waste.
  • Due to this habit, she always remains engaged in giving divergent shapes to waste products.

What creative things he/she has done?

  • As per Andrew, her mother never sits idle.
  • She spends a sizeable portion of her day while working on various projects.
  • She has created umpteen things out of plastic waste.
  • I have seen alluring decorative items made of 3-D origami, which her mother creates regularly, and they seem to be magnificent.
  • Whenever I visit Andrew’s house, I see a different range of products created by her mother.
  • On my last visit, I saw her converting old clothes to tote bags.
  • The tote bag made by her was not only superb but also sturdy.
  • According to Andrew’s mother making tote bags out of old clothes is in fact upcycling of clothes instead of recycling clothes. Because these days carrying tote bags is considered to be a style statement.
  • She has made it a practice to give tote bags to her near and dear ones as gifts.
  • Her business sense is also impeccable. She knows that a blanket ban on the usage of single-use plastic tote bags would be considerably high.
  • Andrew’s mother has made a significant impact on my life.
  •  And I have learned numerous things from her.

And explain why you think he or she is creative? and Conclusion:

  • I think the prominent reason behind the creative talent of Andrew’s mother is her tendency to put all things available at home into productive use. 
  • With her creative talent, she has covered her terrace with flower pots made from used plastic bottles.
  • The decoration of her house thrives primarily on the enticing things that are not bought from the market. Her creative talent is more than enough to enhance the beauty of her home.
  • The quality time spent with her would always remain etched in my memories.


Being a creative person, I have this tendency of learning about other creative persons. Although I know a lot of creative persons, there is one such person who has caught my attention.

Who he/she is? and How do you know him/her?

He is a famous sand artist from India, and his name is Sudarsan Pattnaik. He was born on 15th April 1977. His native place is Puri district, Orrisa in India.

In 2015 I had watched a television documentary on his contributions to society. From that day, I have been following his updates on various social media platforms.

What creative things he/she has done?

He has been doing creative work since 1988. He first showcased his creativity in front of the whole world when he had participated in an exhibition in the World Travel Market held in 1998 at Earls Court, London.

Sudarsan has brought laurels to India in 60 global sand sculpture tournaments and festivals all across the globe and grabbed 27 championship awards for the nation.

And explain why you think he or she is creative? and 

According to my, he is a creative person because he thinks beyond the conventional domain. On the one hand, the rest of the world makes a lot of investments to create awareness regarding pressing problems of the society, he does the same task by using his creative ability.

For example, he created an enticing sand sculpture on the Puri beach to celebrate International Tiger Day. Moreover, he had made a marvellous sand sculpture of a tiger and uploaded the photographs on it on various social media platforms. 


Through his creative talent, he has carved out a niche for himself as a sand artist.




There have been many people I have met over the years but here I would like to talk about a particular person with fantastic creativity. I mean his creativity is fabulous. He is none other than my father.
So I am here to tell you why I think my father is creative? He always comes up with new ideas, new performances sometimes they are hilarious (extremely funny), mysterious (difficult to understand), or even serious every now and especially I was pretty much so impressed by how touching they were sometimes.
 Since my childhood, I have seen him fixing things that everyone rejects. Making new things from what is leftover. According to him, nothing is ever wasted. Its utility to achieve one thing is over now and now can be used for something else. He always does various kinds of activities he never sits idle because he thinks that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop.
Once a bed broke in our house and when everyone else was thinking of where should it be thrown my father made a beautiful desk out of the bed. I think creativity is not just about drawing things out or writing something beautiful. It is about leading a life in ways that are different from others. And on that, my father has surely led a beautiful life. He also made a lot of outstanding things from waste material.
The reason I really admire him is that when everyone is busy in the hustle and bustle of life he is the one person who has remained calm and yet achieved things without any hurdle.




Follow up Questions


  1. Do you like to do creative work? What kind of work?

Yes, I like to do creative work. Making things from paper and creating best

from waste is what I like to do. I also like to sketch and paint. (You may

change your answer here and speak what you like)




  1. What can teachers do to build creativity in children?

Teachers can create a student oriented classroom. Giving liberty and

freedom to children to choose their activity of interest is the best that the

educators can do. Encouragement can also go a long way.




  1. What kind of jobs require people to be creative?

Jobs which require designing, research and innovation need people to be

creative. Writers need to be innovative and imaginative too. Those people

who are in the IT field and the ones who develop the social media

applications are also the ones who have to be creative.




  1. Do you think that creative people are intelligent?

Yes, I agree with that. Intelligence and creativity definitely go hand in hand.

Our intellectual skills are sharpened with imaginations and new ideas.




  1. How can teachers be creative in teaching?

Instead of using the chalk and board method the teachers can be creative by

using the story approach, play way approach and practical approach. Taking

a class in the field rather than restricting to the four walls is also a good idea.




Describe a creative person whose work you admire Describe a creative person whose work you admire Describe a creative person whose work you admire Describe a creative person whose work you admire Describe a creative person whose work you admire Describe a creative person whose work you admire Describe a creative person whose work you admire

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