Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully

What the event was?
How you prepared for it?
Who helped you to organize it?
And explain why you think it was a successful event?



Introduction: 1


Being a social butterfly, I tend to arrange parties regularly. Although I have thrown many parties, a few are etched in my memories.

What the event was? 

Last year, there was a lockdown in my country due to the corona pandemic. During that time, the city residents remained in their homes.

Finally, when the administration had lifted the lockdown and gave permission to hold parties. I had a sigh of relief. To celebrate it, I decided to arrange a school reunion.

How are you prepared for it? and Who helped you to organize it? 

After finishing school, most of my classmates shifted to other cities. Due to this reason, one of my bosom friends and classmates: Andrew was the only option I had, to help me arrange the party.

Since we were short on budget, I decided to arrange the party in a park near my home. As my classmates are fond of dancing, I called a DJ. Moreover, to pamper their appetite, I ordered numerous mouth-watering delicacies like pasta, pizza, brownie and many more.

And explain why you think it was a successful event?

It was a successful party because of two reasons. Firstly we all friends were meeting after a long time. Due to this reason, everybody was enthusiastic. The way everybody danced speaks about the fund we had.

Moreover, it was special because due to lockdown our school didn’t arrange any farewell for us. We were feeling deprived, but this event made us feel us believe that as if it was our farewell party.


The success of that party has motivated me to organise reunion every year


Introduction: 2


Although I have arranged many successful events in my life, one out of them is worth mentioning.

What the event was? 

The event was last year. It was the 25th wedding anniversary of my parents.

How did you prepare for it?

I left no stone unturned to make that event successful. I started planning for it six months in advance.

First and foremost, I opted for a multi-cuisine menu for dinner. Numerous mouth-watering delicacies were on the list, including Indian, Italian and Chinese cuisine.

Secondly, keeping the audiences taste in consideration, I made the list of songs in advance so that all guests could dance to their favourite tunes.

Lastly, I arranged a photographer who clicked and delivered instant framed portraits of every guest.

Who helped you to organize it? 

I hired the services of an event management company. They provided me with all the support. Under their guidance, I made numerous changes to my plan.

The team helped me to provide impeccable services to the guests. Moreover, it provided me with unabated support to handle all the conflicts adroitly during the event.

And explain why you think it was a successful event?

It was a successful event because everything happened according to plan. All guests reached in time, and they had a gala time together. Moreover, we had guffaws of laughter during dance performances.

And most importantly, my parents were on cloud none, and the smile they had on their faces made my day.


It is fun to spend milestones like the 25th wedding anniversary with pomp and show.

2020] Describe a special day that made you happy



Introduction: 3

Well, celebrations give us an opportunity to celebrate something special in life and share our happiness with near and dear ones. 

What the event was? 
Here I would like to talk about a time when I was too much engaged in preparations for a special day and successfully managed it. 

Actually, few months ago it was my father’s birthday and I wanted to give him a surprise party. He left home at 9 in the morning and I had almost 6 to 7 hours for all the preparations. 

Who helped you to organize it?
I started by calling all his friends, near and dears ones for invitation and after that I went to market to buy the things to decorate the house. 

How you prepared for it? 
It took me almost 2 to 3 hours to clean and decorate the house for this party and after that I had to bake a cake for my father. Actually, my father really enjoys the cakes that I bake and I wanted to present it as a birthday gift, by the time I baked the cake it was already 3’o clock and now I had to place the order for food and drinks for the guests. 

Explain why you think it was a successful event?
So, I quickly placed the orders and then I got dressed up. It was around 4’o clock, the guest started pouring and finally at 5′ clock sharp, when my father knocked the door, everyone welcomed him by loudly singing the birthday song. My father was overwhelmed with this surprise party and the arrangements I made. 

Overall, it was the time when I successfully managed a special event. 

Introduction: 4


Introduction and What the event was?
An event that I organized successfully was the ‘felicitation ceremony’/recognition/award ceremony of elders in my locality. In my opinion, this was not only a happy event but also a very satisfying and rewarding event for all people who were felicitated/received the award.

How you prepared for it?  and Who helped you to organize it?
I prepared for it with the help of an idea that I got from a show that I saw on TV. In that show, I saw that they were recognizing the members of their locality for their contribution and good deeds. I thought that this is something very interesting and every elderly deserves this. So I spoke to a few members of my area who were of the same age as me. They loved this idea and readily agreed. So three of my friends from my locality helped me to organize this wonderful event.

Explain why you think it was a successful event?
I think that this event was successful for many reasons. The first reason was that those people who were felicitated were in tears of joy. They had not expected this in the wildest of their dreams. Another reason was that the Youngsters learned to appreciate and value the efforts and contributions of their seniors. One more reason why this event was a hit was that we all came much closer and got to know more about all.

I felt a unique sense of gratification. I was proud of myself that I could give shape to this meaningful idea and convert it into action. We had organized this as a surprise event. Everyone was just told that there will be a get together followed by dinner. When everyone arrived we gave them a surprise by announcing the names of the seniors, giving them gifts and shawls. We spoke about their life and their contributions in work, family and society. It was a great experience and unforgettable by all.

Introduction: 5

  • I love to organise events.
  • On July 16th last year, it was my mother’s 50 birthday and I wanted to do something special for her.
  • However, due to the pandemic, most celebrations were forbidden.
  • We were all cooped up inside our houses.

What the event was? 

  • I decided to give her a surprise online party.

How you prepared for it? and Who helped you to organize it? 

  • I asked my sister for advice on how we can make it special.
  • We have a large family and we asked every one in the family, all our cousins, uncles, and aunt to record something for my mother.
  • It could be anything, there were no restrictions.
  • One of my cousins recorded a dance performance, an uncle wrote a beautiful poem, my grandpa sang a beautiful song in Gujrati.
  • After receiving all the videos, we combined them into one big video.
  • It was not easy though, we had to send reminders and message some of my aunts and uncles again and again.
  • Some even sent it one day before the birthday, but they all finally did it.
  • Moreover, It was all hard to remind them to keep it a secret.
  • We were sure one of our aunts or uncles would spill the beans.
  • Thankfully no one did.
  • Then, we organised a special get together on zoom for the family.
  • This was also hard because some of our relatives live in a different time zone.
  • We wanted to choose a time everyone could be available.
  • Here we failed to some extent, but some of our relatives couldn’t be online at that time.
  • The birthday fell on a weekday, so it was just not possible.
  • On her birthday, I ordered her favourite- truffle cake.
  • And then when everyone joined the zoom meeting, I handed my mom the phone and told her someone wants to wish her a happy birthday.

And explain why you think it was a successful event?

  • She was shocked to see all the family on the meeting.
  • Then, she cut the cake, while I held the phone and everyone wished her happy birthday.
  • Finally, for the big reveal, we played the video on the TV and recorded her reactions while watching the video and we telecast it on the meeting on a split-screen.
  • One screen showing her reactions and the other showing the video.
  • My mother had happy tears in her eyes by the end of it all and I think that alone made it a successful event.


  • However, others told me it was such wonderfully organised and it was so nice meeting everyone online. Even after the video was over, everyone stayed on the meeting and we kept on talking and discussing everyday life.




Introduction: 6


In my life, I have not much experience to organise events but here I want to talk about one of the events which I organised with the help of my friends.

It was the time of the 11th standard when our class teacher gave us the responsibility to organise a farewell party for our seniors.

It was a very difficult task for us because we had not had this kind of experience before.

But we took help from YouTube as we can easily search for any kind of information on it.

Firstly, we watched videos related to decorations, curtains, designs which will give stunning look to our school’s main hall.

Then, we searched for food items, snacks and beverages.

I also looked for the sitting arrangement for staff members and students.

After watching this kind of stuff, we all started to implement our plan.

We spent money that we all classmates collected for this event.

Within two to three days, we prepared all things and on the day of the party, all staff members and students got mesmerised after watching the decoration.

Moreover, we hired DJ as well as I made a plan to play songs on particular students when we give them challenge.

We also gifted memorable gifts to each senior students

All went well. Our class teacher appreciated our arrangements and I felt very happy that I proved myself.

One more thing I want to mention here, I have learned many things like coordination, responsibilities, leadership and management from this event.

So this was the time when I organised an event.



Introduction: 7


Whether organizing a small meeting or orchestrating a large conference, event planning is a huge task. So today, I would love to describe a happy event that I organised last year.

What the event was?

  • The event was Holi which is also called the festival of colours in India.
  • While for some, Holi is an event that they dread for the wild play of colours, yet for most others, it is a celebration of happiness they keenly look forward to.
  • It is revered and celebrated with utmost joy and enthusiasm by the people in my society.
  • Since 2020 was a year full of apprehensions and fear, we undertook every piece of caution to make it successfully last year.

How you prepared for it?

I prepared a checklist to ensure everything goes smoothly:

  • Created a list of guests to be invited for the happy event
  • Finalised the venue and Food items
  • Sent out invitations printed in cool colours
  • Fixed a dress code. Holi is the most colourful festival. You can never go wrong with a traditional white outfit.
  • Arranged organic and herbal colours and ditched the chemicals.
  • Prepared a Holi playlist because no happy event is ever complete without music.

Who helped you to organize it?

  • I admit that it’s not an easy ball game to organize a full-scale event successfully. So, I was helped by my childhood friends in making necessary arrangements. They were even more enthusiastic than me about organizing that event.
  • They didn’t only help me in streamlining things, but also made sure that the party activities could go well.
  • One of them played the DJ and I was given the responsibility to host the event.
  • I was indeed grateful to my teammates as they helped me do it successfully.

Explain why you think it was a successful event?

  • After the event, I recorded in a journal what people liked and didn’t like. Most people responded positively about the party so this made me believe that the event was successful.
  • People appreciated the fun games like musical chairs and balloon filling.
  • So all of us truly enjoyed the event in its real spirit with friends and dear ones.

Concluding the cue card

In the end, I would say that be it a Holi party, a birthday bash or a corporate event, it’s never easy to ensure that everything goes perfectly. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go about the happy pain of planning one. I believe organising an event adds a little fun and frolic to our otherwise monotonous life.

Follow up Questions


1. How can parents help children to be organized?

There is no denying this conviction that children do not follow what elders say, rather they follow what elders practice. To lead the children towards organized life the parents need to work in tandem with them. In short, the parents must organize themselves and work with dedication, determination and discipline. Because it is rightly said that we become the average of five people we meet regularly. Hence, when children have planned people in their company, they too get motivated to organise their work.



2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?

 I think except for the times of enjoyment we need to be organised on all other occasions. Firstly, during any key events such as meetings and seminars being organised helps us to carve out a niche for ourselves.

Moreover, be it starting a new business or getting a new job, being organised is of utmost importance.



3. Does everything need to be well prepared?

It depends on the thing in question. Those things which directly affect our career, family or relationships need to be well prepared.

On the other hand, when we engage in fun or spend leisure time it’s not imperative to be well prepared.



4. Do people need others’ help when organizing things?

Effective organising is teamwork, people need the unabated support of others to do it effectively. For example, during our study period, we need guidance from teachers and parents.

Moreover, when we do business or jobs, the unstinted support of our teammates can lead our career towards an impressive growth trajectory.




Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully v Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully

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