Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn

You should say
When you learned it?
Why you learned it?
How you learned it?
How you felt when you learned it?



Model Answer 1

A very difficult skill for me was the courage to say ‘no’. It is said that

saying no is an art and everyone must learn to master it. I learnt this skill

before a few months and I am still practicing it to gain mastery over it. I

learnt it because it was the need of the hour during the current


I learnt it with experience. Sometimes, I had no choice but to forcefully

say no to people who failed to understand. There were a lot of known

people who wanted to meet and din together in these difficult times.

Sometimes, I had to give in due to peer pressure. But gradually I learnt

to deny.

Some felt bad when I said no to meet them and also did not welcome

them home. But to maintain social distance and to save myself and my

family from Covid I had to learn the skill to say no clearly. I learned the

hard way but it was a beneficial lesson.

4‘Book of Ideas’, Published by Dr. Swati Joshi, PhD, Trainer and Relationship Consultant, India

I feel that I have done the right thing and that it is my responsibility to

take the right decision in this regard. Being carried away by emotions

will only invite illness. I feel proud of myself and do not regret my new

developed skill at all.




Model Answer 2

Well, some skills are quite essential to learn but can be quite difficult to acquire. Today I am going to talk about one such skill is driving, which I learned but found very difficult.

When you learned it? and Why you learned it? 
Actually, I had a great deal of fear on my mind towards driving. So that I could gain confidence, my father got me enrolled at a driving school. Mr. Singh was my driving instructor who was quite confident, friendly, and soft-spoken. 

How you learned it? 
On my first day, he helped me to gain control over the steering. Though we were driving on the ground with no vehicle around, I was still scared and trembling, but my instructor motivated me to boost my confidence.  

How you felt when you learned it?
Once I got on the highway, Frankly speaking, every time a truck was coming from the other side, I was getting off the road in fear. This time my trainer got a little angry t! with me and said, you must keep the courage if you want to learn this skill. 

Slowly and steadily, I got more and more comfortable with driving on the road in different conditions. I was feeling like that I have learnt to drive but then the most challenging part came which was to drive in the city centre the area with heavy traffic. 

I got goosebumps to drive in this busy area. The car was hardly moving because of traffic, and my engine was going off again and again, but I kept the courage this time. Though I had a minor accident with an auto-rickshaw.

I learned a lot from my mistakes and the experience of Mr. Singh, and today, I can confidently drive a car, but it was not an easy skill to acquire for me. 

Model Answer 3


  • When I was young, my parents planned a vacation for Goa, a state famous for its picturesque beaches.
  • I was very excited to visit Goa and spend some time at the beach, as I had never visited one before.

When you learned it? and Why you learned it?

  • My parents also told me that they would allow me to Goa, only if I learnt swimming first.
  • However, I had a terrible time learning swimming.
  • Firstly, since my childhood, I have had a big fear of water.
  • I wanted to visit the beaches, but I was not planning on entering the water.
  • In fact, that’s the reason my dad planned the whole trip- he wanted me to get over my fear.

How you learned it?

  • Secondly, there was only one swimming pool in my city at that time.
  • And the swimming instructor there was strict and rude.
  • I knew I would get shouted at because I would be slow at learning.
  • So, I used to skip the swimming lessons without telling my parents.
  • I used to go play table tennis with my friends instead of going to the pool.
  • Then, one day my dad accompanied me to the pool to check on my progress.
  • My father saw that I hadn’t made any progress.
  • He got angry and told me that either I learned swimming or would cancel the whole trip.
  • After that day, I became serious about it.
  • It wasn’t easy, and on the first two to three days, I barely entered the water once.
  • But when the instructor came to know about my water phobia, he was really patient with me.
  • He let me learn it at my own pace.
  • He also allowed me to use the tube to float, even though he forbids everyone else from using it.
  • Slowly, as I got comfortable, he told me how to use my legs to stay afloat instead of the tube.
  • I don’t remember much, as it was quite some time ago, but I do remember it took me more than 3 months to learn swimming, while on average, people pick it up within 2-3 weeks.

How you felt when you learned it?

  • After learning, I felt amazing.
  • I hadn’t just learnt swimming; I had also conquered my fear of water.


  • My parents were also very proud of me.
  • And because I learnt swimming, I had an amazing time in Goa.




Describe a practical skill you learned. - IELTS Fever

Model Answer 4


In this contemporary epoch where fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, we strive hard to learn new skills. So, that we could lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory.

I too tried, my hand at a new skill last year, and with a lot of issues in between, I managed to learn.

When did you learn it?

Last year due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. During that time, the administration imposed a ban on going outside. Since I didn’t have much to do, I decided to learn to cook.

.After tremendous hard work, I finally learned it.

Why did you learn it?

To make prudent use of my spare time, I had decided to learn cooking at home because I plan to pursue my further studies in Canada.

As there is a lot of difference between Indian and Canadian cuisine, therefore I realized that learning to cook in my spare time was a prudent approach for me.

How did you learn it?

Like a typical youngster, I started to learn cooking by watching videos on Youtube. Initially, I had too much interest but later on, it didn’t work, and I took a break in between.

In my next attempt, I took the help of my mother, who is an excellent cook. Although it was challenging to learn, despite many doldrums, I had managed to learn cooking.

How you felt when you learned it

The whole process took around five months. Many times I had failed, but I kept on doing practice with determination, dedication and discipline.


Learning a new skill is a daunting task, and with regular practise, we can become masters.


Model Answer 5


There is no denying this conviction that becoming good at all the skills is a daunting task. Due to this reason, we tend to avoid those skills in which we struggle.

I had a fear of dancing. However, with a lot of hard work, I acquired this skill.

When did you learn it?, and Why you learned it? 

Last year, I learnt dancing. And I acquired this skill to give a stunning performance at the wedding reception of my cousin.

My cousin is my bosom friend. He always helps me in my lean patch. Since he was about to tie the nuptial knot, I planned to surprise him by going beyond the conventional domain. He had known it well that I didn’t know how to dance. Thus, the idea was to stun him by giving a dazzling dance performance.

How did you learn it? 

Initially, I was apprehensive about paying money to learn dancing. I had this belief that I would acquire this skill just by watching videos on Youtube.

However, the reality was different. There was a negligible improvement in me after spending hours on the internet to learn dancing.

 Since I didn’t have much time at my disposal, I had no option but to train under the aegis of an expert.

To do so, I took the services of a seasoned dance coach.

With his unabated support, I started training hard with determination, dedication and discipline. Under his guidance, I had a remarkable improvement in not only my dancing but also my flexibility.

Finally, after toling hard for two months, I became a reasonably good dancer.

How did you feel when you learned it?

I felt good about it because my persistence had paid off, and I did something that was outside my comfort zone.


You can learn anything in life with a clear focus on your aim.


Model Answer 6


In this contemporary epoch, there is a positive upsurge in the knowledge a person can acquire. With sophisticated modern technology making inroads in our lives, people can connect freely and easily with no geographical barriers.

While living in such an environment, it is highly imperative to hone our skill set. Therefore, I decided to learn digital marketing last year.

When did you learn it?

After passing my 12th standard, I was free for two months. During that time, I learned the skill of digital marketing.

Why did you learn it?

The prominent reason for learning this skill was to prepare according to the needs of the changing world. There is no escaping the fact that the popularity of digital marketing will continue to flourish in the 21st century.

How did you learn it?

Initially, I laid excessive focus on self-learning. Since there was a gamut of topics to cover, I didn’t get success. After that, I had taken the opinion of one of my friends, and he suggested I study under the aegis of seasoned digital marketing experts.

With his reference, I joined one digital marketing agency as an intern. Life in that company was very hard. I used to work for 10-12 hours every day with a few breaks in between. Despite toiling hard, I was not getting the desired results. However, after working for two months, I had started feeling comfortable and gave the significant business to the company.

How did you feel when you learned it?

I felt relieved and proud of myself.




IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn”.

1. What skills do students need to master?
Academically speaking, I think students need to master skills like reading, math, and speaking. Non academically, I think skills like cooking, money management, driving, and so on are skills that every student should possess. Also, in today’s world, everyone should try to have computer skills.

2. Is it hard for students to learn new skills?
On the contrary, I feel it is easier for them to pick up new skills as they are young, and their minds can pick up and retain things better. That is why children are encouraged to learn many things like driving, swimming, foreign languages at a young age.

3. Is it hard for old people to learn new skills?
I wouldn’t say it is hard for them either. But it is not as easy as it is for children or kids to pick up new things. Old people might not be able to remember things, so they might need to do things repeatedly for them to pick up on skills.

4. Is a good teacher very important for students learning experience? Why?
Yes, absolutely. Teachers are not only responsible for teaching but also ensuring that children are motivated to learn things. Moreover, nowadays, children are very impatient and lose focus easily. If the teacher is not able to grab and hold on to their attention, he would not be able to teach anything.





Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a skill Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a skill Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a skill Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a skill Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a skill Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a difficult for you to learn Describe a skill that was difficult Describe a skill Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn

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