The good news is that the lead pair of Chikki (Khushi Dubey) and Yash (Zayn Ibad Khan) are still hopelessly in love with each other. However, in its first 10 episodes, the fourth season of Aashiqana feels almost … normal, which is more unsettling as a concept than all the moments of horror in its first week. 



So far, the show has had merely two truly bonkers moments. First, Chikki has literally come back from the dead. Second, we’ve learnt there’s a killer on the loose who appears to be as good at civil engineering as he is at murder. After stabbing his chosen victim, he breaks a wall, places said victim in the hollowed wall (a la Anarkali), then plasters and even paints over that area — all this is in the time it takes for the Chauhan family to go to a temple and then return home. Aashiqana Season 4 Watch Free Online in Hindi





It says a lot about Aashiqana‘s track record that the following don’t count as noteworthy: A spooky curse uttered by a tattooed Himani Shivpuri; charred, dead bodies impaled on trees; a scowling man who roams around the Chauhan home, carrying ashes in black cloth; and a woman with a fake beard, pretending to be a liveried butler.



In three seasons, Aashiqana has raised the bar for madcap entertainment, giving us plot twists that are untethered to reality and melodrama that’s cheerfully self-aware of its clichéd excesses. There’s overacting, patently fake sets and gloriously bad visual effects. We’ve seen Chikki and Yash bring down a drone using the string that held together the plunging back of Chikki’s kameez.



The second season began with Chikki being kidnapped in a suitcase. In the third season’s finale, we got surprise twins, fake deaths, real shootings, fake policemen and real dialogues like “Aunty-ji ki do auladein? Dono psycho?! (Aunty has two kids? And both are psycho?)”Â