Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in

Where is it?

How you knew it?

How often do you go there?

Explain why you like the place?



Introduction: 1


Well, in our lives full of hustle bustle, there are very few places that are meant for peace

and relaxation. I am going to talk about one of my favorite places. That place is my farm. It

is in the outskirts of my city. The distance between my home and my farm is roughly 25 to

30 kilometers. So it is not very far and thus easy for me to go there often.

My farm is a wonderful place. It is spread across an area of 200 square meter. It is lush

green, picturesque and fascinating. It has lots of mango and coconut trees. I relish the

mangoes in summer. There is also a small farmhouse, a well and some domestic animals on

my farm. I am a nature lover and the peaceful, pleasant and cool atmosphere of the farm

makes it the best place to relax and rejuvenate.

I make it a point to visit my farm every weekend. I go there mostly with my family. However,

on some special occasions I also go there with my friends. My friends also love the place a

lot. I feel at ease in my farm. The swing in my farm is a restful experience. Since my farm is

outside the city the sky is clear. We can enjoy the blissful sunrise and sunset. The breeze is

cool and swift. The nights are dark and quiet.

Sleeping under the open sky in the farm gives a tranquil feeling. Hearing the chirping of the

birds and flowing of water is soothing to the soul. My farmhouse is also a serene place with

warm and colorful flowers. I simply love this place and it is the best place for relaxation of

mind, body and soul. I feel recharged whenever I visit my farm. I just love my farm for these




Introduction: 2

People love the quiet place because it is the place where they do rest/ concentrate on their work. But nowadays it is tough to find such kind of place. Library is a quiet place, but people can do only study there cannot do rest. Today, I would like to describe a place where I study/work and rest.

Where it is? and How you knew it?
I live in a city, and my house is near to the bus stand. So there is no quiet place in my house because of buses horn and announcements. My brother goes to the library to study every day, but I do not like to go there because we have to sit on the chain whole the time to do study. So my father purchased a farmhouse two years ago. It is about 1o kilometers away from the city. It is a very quiet place, and I love it.

How often you go there?
So I go there twice a week and spend few hours over there.

What you do there?
I do different activities there, such as playing video games, painting, swimming, studying, and sleeping for a few hours. The place is so quiet that I can hear birds chirping clearly. I love gardening. I planted many plants there.

And explain why you like the place?
Whenever I feel depressed and sad, I go there. After spending some time alone, I feel fresh and relaxed. I like the place because whenever I spend time with myself, some new creative ideas generate my mind that helps in my study and painting.


Introduction: 3

  • It is very difficult to find quiet places in the fast-paced life of today.

Where it is? and How you knew it?

  • However, I would like to talk about a place where I go quite often and I find great peace there.
  • The place I am referring to is a Sikh temple in my hometown, Gurdwara Sukhchainana Sahib.

How often you go there?

  • I go there once a week, sometimes with family and sometimes with friends.
  • Sometimes we walk to the gurdwara, and sometimes we go by car. It is about 3 km from my home.
  • It is away from the main road, so it is very quiet there.

What you do there?

  • Whenever I go there, I do circumambulation of the holy book inside the main hall, and pay obeisance to the almighty.

And explain why you like the place?

  • There is a well-maintained fishpond in the gurdwara, which has many species of fish.
  • I just sit on the steps of the pond and listen to the holy chants going on all the time there.
  • It gives me great peace of mind.
  • Sometimes I take some bread from home and feed the fish.
  • There are two catfish among the other many, who seem to be talking to me.
  • I know it is all my imagination, but I love it over there.
  • I feel that the tempo of life has slowed down a bit.
  • It is so relaxing to watch the movements of the fish in the water.
  • This activity takes away all the physical and mental tiredness away from my body.
  • I feel very light-hearted after that.
  • Even though there is always a great rush in this temple, yet one can find peace and quiet over there.
  • Sometimes, I offer voluntary services in the community kitchen over there.
  • Free food is offered to one and all in the community kitchen and this service is round the clock.


  • I generally go there on weekends and spend a good two hours over there.



Introduction 4


  • Finding a quiet place in this contemporary epoch is a daunting task.
  • I am fortunate to have one such place in my vicinity.

Where it is?

  • The place is Rose Garden, just 200 metres from my residence.

How did you know it? 

  • Since its opening in 2016, I have been a regular visitor to this place.

How often you go there?

  • Being a nature lover, every day I visit this garden.

What you do there?

  • Every morning I go for a morning walk in the garden.
  • After taking a walk, I interact with my friend and neighbours, 
  • They also visit this place as a part of their routine.
  • Being a voracious reader, in the evening I read a book in the garden.
  • Moreover, I do a short walk after taking dinner.
  • On Sundays, I engage in volunteer work, and with the help of other volunteers, I do the cleaning work at this place.
  • Every year on 1st Feb (Founder’s day of the garden), we organise a blood donation camp.

Explain why you like the place?

  • I like this place for various reasons.
  • The prominent reason is that this place makes me feel close to nature.
  • While doing a walk over here, I feel as if I am in the lap of nature.
  • I used to be an average reader, 
  • However, when I had started reading at this place, I became an ardent reader because of the serenity offered by this place.
  • Lastly, the calmness of this place works like a charm for me.
  • The lush green outfield coupled with silence is a blessing for both eyes and ears.




Introduction 5


In this modern era of crass commercialisation, finding a quiet place is a daunting task. However, I am blessed to have a place where can I find peace and tranquillity.

Where it is?

I have farmland in the hinterland of my city. It is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. That is why I get the much needed peace and tranquility over there.

How did you know it? 

During my childhood, my dad purchased this farmland to grow organic vegetables for our family.

How often do you go there?

Every weekend I visit this place to break the monotony of the urban lifestyle.

What do you do there?

Whenever I go there, I indulge in a myriad of activities. Firstly I spend some time doing farming. Although I am not an expert at it, I am well versed with the basics. During this activity, I get into a state of flow, and my time passes quickly.

Moreover, during summers, when there is scorching heat, I bathe in the water thrown by the tubewell. During this pursuit, I get much-needed relief from the relentless heat.

Apart from this, I love to study over there. The farmland I have is in a clean and pristine place, with no noise pollution. Because no vehicles ply near to this place. Furthermore, this place is far away from the bus stand or railway station. The only sound I hear is the chirping of the birds. Due to this reason, the study work done there is highly productive. Whenever I feel like I am lagging in my study, I visit this place to cover up.


Introduction 6


Being a person who loves solitude, I always feel blessed when I get time to relax in a quiet place.

Where it is?

The place is a studio near my residence.

How did you know it?

This studio belongs to Mr Masha Ali, a renowned Punjabi singer. He is my bosom friend and my neighbour too. He had opened it two years back and invited me as a guest at the time of its inauguration.

How often you go there?

It’s a recording studio, so it’s remain occupied six days a week. However, every Sunday, there is a break. I have made it a part of my routine to visit this place every Sunday.

What you do there?

Being a voracious reader, I read interesting books and novels over there.

Explain why you like the place?

Whenever I visit this place, I get serenity. There is no denying this conviction that due to rampant urbanisation, the cities have become overcrowded. The number of vehicles plying on the roads has increased significantly.

In public places, most people talk on their mobile phones.

Due to these reasons, quietness is missing from our lives.

To experience calmness, I visit this place because it has pin-drop silence.

Being a recording studio it is designed in a way that neither the outside noise comes in nor the inside voice goes out.

When I read books at this place, I get into a state of flow. I finish one book in two sittings.

The silence offered by this place helps me to concentrate on my studies.

Due to these reasons, I am a regular visitor to this place.


Introduction: 7


Being a voracious reader, I am always in search of a quiet place to read.

Recently, I found a place conducive to reading because of the serenity inside it.

Where it is?

The place is the library near my residence. It’s newly opened.

How did you know it?

My mathematics teacher recommended this place to me.

How often you go there?

Every day, I spend 5-6 hours at this place.

What you do there?

Initially, the primary purpose of going to this place was self-study. However, with time I have widened my friend circle. So after finishing my studies, I engage in a group discussion. Apart from this, I eat mouth-watering delicacies in the canteen.

Explain why you like the place?

The prominent reason for liking this place is the calmness offered by it.

Due to fierce competition these days, students need to carve out a niche for themself to gain success. And to achieve this aim, they need to work with determination, dedication and discipline.

For such a high-level preparation, a calm place is a must.

And I get the much-needed calmness and composure at this place. Because the management is strict and they allow only serious readers to occupy the space. All those people who engage in unnecessary gossips do not get permission to sit here.

This library is always full of ardent readers who always remain in a state of flow while studying. Upon watching them, I also get motivated.

In the last two months, there is a paradigm shift in my knowledge. Due to this reason, I have achieved higher grades in my recent tests.


Introduction: 8


It is important to spend time in quiet places in the fast-paced life of today. There are a few quiet places around us that we can visit for a few relaxing moments of peace. I would like to talk about a park where I go quite often and I find great comfort in the silence the spot has to offer.

The park is not far from my home. It is only a 10-minute walk from my home. It is well-known for its peaceful ambiance. Being a nature lover, every day I visit this garden.

Every morning I go for a morning walk in the garden and I also do some physical activities and as I am having an ardent habit of writing, the area somehow enhances my creativity to the point where thoughts flow freely and clearly in my mind. I really like going to this location with my writing pad all alone, and write whatever I feel like for hours on end.

 I adore(love) the place for some specific reasons. The park is one of the most impressive sites in the state. The golf course is adorable and boating is another interesting activity here. Another reason is that this place makes me feel close to nature. While doing a walk over here, I feel as if I am in the lap of nature.

Besides, the park contains some other amenities like clean and well-managed toilets, and the space for kids, etc. is also notable. A large number of trees are available in the park and anyone can take shelter under the tree shades with nice sitting arrangements. 

 I would recommend anyone from my area to have some quality and tranquil time in this park. There is a lot to explore and enjoy.



Introduction: 9


I am finding quiet places. In a busy city such as Vadodara is very difficult. Even my family is sometimes so loud that it irritates me. In order to spend my time in solitude, I prefer to go to a quiet place that is a stone’s throw away from my house. It is a public library. There is always a pin drop silence at this library, and it has an extremely peaceful and soothing environment. That’s why I visit there in my leisure time. As it is near to my house, I used to go daily to read new books as I want to increase my reading skills for the next IELTS exam, which I am going to take at the end of September. This library has a plethora of fiction and non-fiction books. Instead of buying new books, I acquired one Cambridge IELTS book without spending a penny. In this way, I kill two birds with one stone. In addition, I used to go to the library every evening for IELTS preparation. It has so many books for this exam which can boost my skills. My friends and neighbours also visit this library. Everyone in my location likes spending their time in that quiet and relaxing place. Apart from this, the library is so spacious that almost 100 people can visit there every day and nobody feels like the hustle and bustle. Moreover, when any unwanted guests come to our house who create more noise, I go to that public library. There is no one to disturb me, and I can study in relaxed mode without a hitch. That library is really a good place to spend time in solitude.




Follow up Questions


  1. Do you like to spend time in quiet places or noisy places? Why

It depends upon my mood. Most of the time I prefer to spend time in

peaceful places but sometimes when I am in a party mood I also like noisy

places. However, generally I am a peace loving person.



  1. What are some examples of quiet places?

Places of worship are mostly quiet in the early hours. River banks and sea

shores are quiet too. Terraces and balconies at midnight are quiet. Schools

and colleges are noiseless during holidays and vacations.




  1. What are the advantages of spending time at quiet places?

It gives us a calming and a tranquil feeling. It reduces our stress and gives us

an opportunity to be with ourselves. I think such places are nourishing to the

soul and we should make it a point to spend some time at such places.




  1. Who likes to spend time in quiet places?

Well, I think everyone likes to spend time in quiet places. It is just that

everyone does not get an opportunity to do it. I think only notorious children

would not like it. Elders may prefer such places more than anyone else.



  1. What disturbs the peace of places?

It is the people who disturb the peace of places. People make sounds of

loudspeakers, they shout and they honk with their vehicles. Nature sounds

are soothing and melodious but people spoil it.




Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in 

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