Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online

What was it about?

Where did you read it?

Why did you read it?

How did you feel about it?


Introduction :1

An amazing article on health that I read about recently was on home remedies. The

name of the article was ‘the golden home remedies for common health issues’. It

was about curing common illnesses from things available at home. The common

health issues ranged from headache, common cold, allergies, muscle and joint pain

and dandruff. I really found the article very interesting and useful.

I read this article about six months ago. I read it in a magazine called ‘Prevention’.

This magazine was kept in a rack in the waiting area of an eye specialist

(ophthalmologist). It was a pocket sized health magazine. I saw the cover page and

it immediately captured my attention. There were many other relevant articles and

tips on health and fitness.

I learned a lot from the article that I read and I also follow a lot of suggestions. I

learnt how to enhance the nutrition of the food, how to grow kitchen herbs and

how to use the Indian spices to heal the common illnesses. I also learned the

importance of eating a balanced meal. After reading the article I realized that most

of the health solutions are available in the kitchen. The article had magical tips and






I think this article was not good but excellent. It was very insightful because it had

lots of alternatives to medications. Such knowledge and wisdom is usually lost with

the elderly population. However, this article threw light upon the age old home

remedies which were forgotten. In my opinion this article was very meaningful

especially in the current times when we take health lightly.




Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online -


Introduction :2

Well, I always enjoy reading interesting articles no matter in newspaper, magazines or on the internet. Lately, I came across an article while I was reading the newspaper, and I am going to take this opportunity to talk about it now.

What the article was? and when and where you read it?
Actually, it was Sunday, and I was sitting in the lawn reading newspaper. While reading, I came across an article with the title “Now or Never”, and I really could not resist myself from reading it because of its catchy title. I got to know that has been written by one of the famous physicians Mr Singh.

In this article, he addressed one of the common concerns that majority faces that is obesity. The fact is that people of all age groups the days putting up extra weight and this is perhaps the reason why Mr. Singh wrote this article.

What you learned from the article?
Since I myself was suffering from this If the problem that’s why I decided to read the complete article. I was impressed with the way Dr Singh presented the information. He used very factual information and shared some examples to understand how severe the problem is.

The writer emphasis that it is primarily because of the sedentary lifestyle of people and poor eating habits. Fortunately, Dr Sinai-also shared some practical ways to come out of this problem. He suggested that people must go for a walk early in the morning as it not only help people reduce their weight but, remain active throughout the day.

Explain why you think it is a good or bad article?
He also suggested people cut their intake of fast food and replace it with some nutritious and healthy food item especially, green vegetables and fruits Honestly speaking, I found this article quite informative and suggestion of Dr Singh quite reasonable and approachable.

Conclusion :
This is perhaps the reason why I started to go for a walk after that and in a few months. I started to shed extra pounds. In fact, I shared this article with my friends and members who were suffering from the same problem as well. Overall, it was one article pertaining to the health that I read and found very interesting.


Introduction :3

Well, I am an avid reader. I enjoy reading the newspaper and articles on different topics. Here I would talk about a health article which I have read recently on the Internet.

Actually, last Sunday I was inspecting Facebook to discover new posts from my friends. So on that day, I came across a link to a health-related article. The title of the article was “Health is wealth”.

The author mentioned various things about health. He explained that nowadays people tend to eat fast food rather than cooking fresh meals at home. Unlike living conditions have increased the contraction of people to various diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, hypertension, etc. Due to technological advancements, people have exchanged the available time for exercise with browsing the internet, watching television, and checking their accounts on social media websites. They also prefer to drive than to walk, use washing machines than clean their clothes manually.

The writer also recommended some remedies for a healthy lifestyle. Firstly, a balanced diet is one of the best ways to stay healthy. It includes proteins, vitamins, and minerals in equal proportion. So, this diet has multifarious benefits and it also maintains the body weight. Secondly, a good walk can reduce the cholesterol level and it increases the efficiency of heart and lungs as well as reduces blood pressure. Thirdly, Unlike a machine, the body needs rest at regular intervals. A minimum of six to seven hours of sleep is necessary for the body to function optimally.

After reading the whole article, I realized that health is wealth because if we are not healthy then all our wealth, fame and power can bring no enjoyment. keeping fit and healthy is indeed not an option but a necessity.



Introduction :4

Well in my life I have read various articles that are related to science, education, fashion and also politics but here I want to talk about an article that is related to health, and I read about it last month when I was reading a magazine. I am very fond of reading distinct articles but when I read anything about health at that time my interest in a particular article increases because I am a health-conscious person. I read the article named “Early to bed and early to rise”. In this, the writer explained that one should wake up early in the morning because it makes the person energetic and relaxed, the person can easily concentrate on his work without laziness. It is also very important for maintaining the overall health of the body. If you get early in the morning you have enough time to do exercise in the mornings and follow your fitness regime. There’s nothing like a great workout to boost your day and feel rejuvenated. Fresh air in the early morning help in increasing the oxygen levels in the brain, reduce blood pressure, lessen migraines, and boost mental health. Moreover, people who wake up early have better brain function, superior critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This means people will tend to perform better at work and the children in their studies. Besides, It also helps to make you look younger and beautiful. From that time, I started to follow these rules in my life and it really helps me to stay healthy and energetic. So this is the article that I read.


Introduction :5

  • I have read many articles in my life.
  • Today I will talk about an article about healthy lifestyle that I read last year.
  • I read this article from the website fitness.com.
  • I was browsing through a website, when I saw the link to this article.
  • The name of the article was very eye-catching.
  • It was “Look Younger, Live Longer”.
  • I clicked on the link and it opened this article.
  • Nowadays, we all are living a sedentary lifestyle and facing many health related problems.
  • This article opened my eyes that to become healthier, it was all about making small lifestyle changes.
  • I came to know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • We should have a healthy and wholesome breakfast and never skip it.
  • This helps boost our immunity and also helps us go through the day with full energy.
  • I have never skipped breakfast since I’ve read this article and I can concentrate on my work and studies better.
  • I also read that we should have at least one seasonal fruit everyday.
  • It also said that walking for an hour a day is as good as one hour of gym.
  • Since then, morning walk has become a part of my routine.
  • I used to dislike broccoli before I read this article.
  • However, after reading that Broccoli is a very good source of proteins and is full of nutrients, I started having it regularly.
  • I feel very fit and healthy and have rarely fallen sick since I made these small changes.
  • I have bookmarked this article and read it often.
  • I have also shared it with many of my friends and relatives.




Follow up Questions


  1. Do you think that people should read articles on health?

Yes of course. Health is wealth and I firmly believe that people should make

it a point to read and gather knowledge about health. Things keep getting

updated in the field of health and it is essential that we keep ourselves

upgraded with it.

  1. Are health articles in magazines reliable according to you?

To some extent yes. However, if we are planning to eat some medicine after

reading some article in a magazine then we should check its authenticity by P

consulting a doctor first. We really don’t know who is writing and how much

the author knows.



  1. In your opinion how can media create health awareness?

Media can do a lot to create awareness on health. Portraying life stories of

people who follow a healthy lifestyle can be made celebrities by media so

that people can follow them and be healthy themselves. Campaigns and

advertisements on health can also be run by media.




  1. What kind of health related articles do people prefer to read?

I think what most people like to read is about how to lose weight, how to

improve their skin and hair and some home remedies for mild health issues.

Technical terms of series illnesses may not be understood by common men

and so they may not be interested in it.




  1. Do you think there should be separate magazines for health or no?

Well, I am not sure. I think if there are separate magazines for health then

only those people who are health conscious will read them. But there are

health articles in magazines of general interest then the information might

reach a larger audience.



Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online

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